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100% money back guarantee!
If you’re not in love with your pictures we’ll refund your session fee.
You’ve got nothing to lose, friend!
Other than your clothes, of course ;)

100% Happiness Guarantee

Embrace your baddass self and get the F* in my studio. You powerful, beautiful, goddess! 

Are you like..."YESSS! SUSAAAAAN! I want to commit to a shoot! Like - Right Now!!!"

Let's do it, girl! Just pay the session fee above to officially STOP WAITING - and commit to a shoot! Shoots are typically scheduled 1-3 months out. 

The next screen will be a form to fill out with a questionnaire.

Since our shoots are so custom and intimate, I think it's nice to have a face-to-face call with everyone before you come in for a shoot :)  

After the form it will direct you to set up a video chat, and we'll nail down your date.
Can't wait to meet you! 

See you soon, love! 
Susan Delene

How does it work?

Beauty and Boudoir Prep Guide

Custom mood board and art direction for your dream shoot!

Wardrobe consult

3 looks (dressed up, everyday outfit, lingerie, sheet, white button-up, or fine art nude)

60-minute fully guided photo session with
published & international award-winning photographer, Susan Delene

Same-day ordering session to view 100+ images and order your art

*Session fee secures your date and covers the photo session.
All digital and physical products sold separately. 
 Hair & makeup is available to add-on for $150

Starting Rates include: 
$697 | 9 Mini Prints or 2 Matted 5x7 Prints 
$1300 | 10 Digitals or 10 Image 5" Album

Financing and payment plans are available
Click here to visit our Investment Guide for more details

What's included

Boudoir Session



Susan's site spoke to me. It seemed feminine, empowering, and comfortable... and it reflected her personality perfectly! From the first time we met, I felt like I was talking to an old friend. Her affirmations before, during, and after my shoot were genuine. It was not awkward at all (and I am awkward).

The pictures are tasteful, realistic (aka not over-touched), and flattering. They show who I am: strong, beautiful, empowered, and confident, and I could not be more grateful for the experience and the final products!" 

"I felt like I was talking to an old friend."

"I had such a lovely experience working with Susan! She is professional and creative but most importantly is highly skilled at making you feel comfortable and confident! The final images were stunning and my husband was over the moon!"

"The final images were stunning"

"I had such an amazing time. Susan is so friendly, warm, and understanding. She makes you feel very comfortable and she is so fun. The pictures she takes will make you either love yourself or love yourself even more. If you are here reading this, STOP. JUST DO IT! Go BOOK your boudoir session, sis!!"


Susan is amazing as a Boudoir Photographer! I loved my experience with her at her new studio in downtown Raleigh. Working with many photographers myself in the local Raleigh area, I can say hands down that Susan goes above and beyond to make sure the models feel extremely comfortable. She is especially helpful with all the different body angles and styling of the outfits. Susan even stops to ask if you are hydrated with complimentary water and or if you need a snack break during the Photoshoot 😊. The downtown studio is gorgeous vintage feel with many unique features including a brick wall that is very well done for your photo collection. I highly recommend Raleigh Boudoir by Susan for all your beautiful photo dreams to come true. Thank you Susan for helping me feel confident about myself, while also having a great time!"

"The downtown studio is gorgeous! A vintage feel with many unique features"



To celebrate YOU!
Has anyone told you how amazing you are today?
You are so much more than “just” any one thing.
“Just” a mom. “Just” your profession. “Just” a wife.
You’re a woman!
Women make the world go round.
We wear so many hats
and yet that is not who we are.
Sometimes, who we are can get lost in the shuffle.
You. Are. Fine Art.
Inside and out.
All of who you are,
everything you’ve been through
Has made you into the incredible woman you are.
Throughout the years our bodies
go through changes
And many of us are hard on ourselves about that.
I recently had my first child,
and what a whirlwind to the body that was!
It’s easy to judge our worth based on our bodies.
Too fat. Too thin. Too old. Too many wrinkles.
Too, too, too.
We compare ourselves to our past selves and we compare ourselves to others.
We can get stuck in this toxic idea of perfection that doesn’t truly exist.
I’m here to tell you that you are worthy, today.
You are fine art, today.
Your soul tells a story and legend has it,
the soul can be captured
through the lens of a camera.
I’m intrigued to learn what has made you
into the woman you are today.
I am honored to hear your story
 and help you tell it.
Every stretch mark. Every battle scar. Every tattoo. Every roll (or lack thereof.)
My fellow women. My fellow warriors.
My fellow humans that make this world
a beautiful place to be.
Allow me to capture your essence
and celebrate YOU!



Studio Tour

As Seen In: